
A Poem

Jonathan Greene
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readMar 5, 2021


Photo by 俊健 葉 on Unsplash

It’s not the kind you’re thinking of
the one where someone is sprawled
in temporary catatonic splendor
from excessive consumption
nor the kind where the power is out
and the town looks ghostly
except for all of the phones
lighting up the midnight sky

No, it’s the yearning for something
a society less obsessed with lightning
in their cables and their speed qualifications
and creating nesting doll systems
of life hacking and growth hacking
and job hacking and hacking hacking
It’s the yearning for something dark
like a blackout, where the light is gone
and all we have is each other to look to
to feel our way out of this maze

I want to blackout and go back in time
and relive the time when light came from sun
and not from what we stared at all day
and to a time when our eyes were able to adjust
to the darkness so we could realize
that a blackout is just a temporary
absence of light, and if we allow them to,
our eyes will create light in the darkness

© Jonathan Greene 2021

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Jonathan Greene
A Cornered Gurl

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |