Blooming Lilac**

Young Minds of Medium 2021 Hopes & Dreams

A Cornered Gurl
2 min readNov 23, 2020



12 o'clock, December 31st, we'll blow a candle. Another year added to the millions we've been here.

12 o'clock, December 31st, another year birthed, another step forward. We'll have to offer a present to Dear New Year.

12 o'clock, December 31st. We stand in the same room, we breathe the same air and our roots deep down are one.

We are skin to skin, worlds apart, universes clashing both outside and within. Our hands are fidgeting and we hide them behind our backs, our fingertips bloody. Our green has withered before growing, our words fighting for the fight, our souls have aged as time stood still.

It's 12 o'clock and Dear New Year is frowning at the sight. We've come broken, empty-handed. We've come shallow. There are bones littering the ground, there are knives in our hands, fear in our eyes and we thirst for destruction. Under the name of freedom, rage shackles both the murderer and the victim.

December 31st, we'll blow a candle.
My wish should come as breathing, simple:
For humans to be humans.

Me, We. The greatest poem ever written. Me, We and after so many years we still turn our backs on the latter.

Captive. If there’s one word to describe our world, this day and all the last years, I’d use that. We are held captive by our own skin, a flower held back from blooming. Love: the human skin we’re born with, only peeled off by the world. You. A conscious choice. To be a monster, to hate, that’s created not birthed. Scarring under the name of freedom is not freedom but cruelty. Inhumane. Your freedom has limits: you are free unless you harm. Me but never forget We. Never forget what we are part of. Never forget our roots are one.

2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, but just as, it has been an eye-opener. A fall. A broken bone and bleeding kneecaps, but what comes after?

The rise. And that is my wish.

To love. To only love.

**The lilac (Syringa vulgaris), an early flowering spring shrub, symbolizes growth. It stands for the change from ignorance to knowledge, from innocence to wisdom.

