Breaking Through

A Collaborative Effort With Sara Weaver

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readMay 26, 2017


Courtesy of Pinterest

Cracked and shattered, eyes reflected in the shards stare back at me.

Back and forth the pendulum swings and counts the moments I stand to examine the stranger in front of me.

Poe’s Raven never spoke to me, yet it still looms in the corners of these halls, the spaces in between my breaths.

Pauses here and there of the ticking, time is unreliable and misguides the sounds of defeated steps.

Paled against my own complexion, the sound of a labored heart is stable against the pounding of the sun’s rays against the walls of this house.

It’s impossible to grow from light when I’ve been raised in the dark.

Bending from form, my hands shift into severed spaces in front of me —

Senseless, it seems, to worry about what I cannot control. Breaking through the monotony of life’s challenges, I see a tunnel at the end.

I am too afraid to take a chance — to begin again. In this now, darkness is comfort.


I cannot depend on myself to guide me from ME, I need reassurance. In the calmness of secluded walls, tearing through the empty spaces of my soul, you find me — hands offering up kindness and love.

I see you — infinite in your knowledge of my dilemma, willing to shapeshift into my superhero at a moment’s notice.

I give you time, it is needed for where you want me and as I ease up, the grip I have had on myself loosens —

I fall

Tomorrow will be my gift to you for breaking through to me.

Sara & I first collaborated on October 20, 2016. Sara has an exceptional mind with an intense way of thinking about content. She graduated from college on May 06, 2017 and in June, will be headed back for her Master’s Degree. While she was in school late last year, she won an award for one of her poems. She shared that with me. To say that I was overwhelmed with happiness, is an understatement. Every interaction with Sara opens my eyes to something new. Evander, Yes, Gawd, love. Please, do get ready. ❤



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •