changes, like the wind

A Collaborative Effort with Devon Henry

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readMay 25, 2020


Photo by Min An via Pexels

she crams her feet
into fat-tongued
Reebok’s, ties the shoelaces
quickly, & hustles
out the door

no goodbye
no see you later
no words of wisdom
or reminders of love

I’ve grown so used
to watching
her leave

it’s pointless
trying to
remember anything else

His voice leaves the
room first, slowly
drips off the bed,
caramel-sweet, filling
the cracks in the
century-old hardwood

Creeps under the
door through the
hallway, muffling his
steps so he won’t
wake your sleeping

The bitchy one with
the Radiohead tattoo
who thinks no one
knows she’s fucking
the guy next door, the
one with the cover

It cascades down the
narrow old stairs,
protecting bare feet
that follow behind him
from splinters, lubes
the hinges on the
creaky front door on
his way out

It barely makes it to
his car, puddling
under like an oil
change reminder and
then he’s gone

And the whole street
smells like
sweetness, the kind
that rots teeth

or the kind that
bolts in upright crashing
into split-in-two hearts
devouring kings & queens

she looks back, thinks
of returning, changes her
mind like the wind

changes her mind

*It is a pleasure to work with Devon Henry again. This time, we tweaked a little Twitter poem I spouted a few weeks ago. She’s amazing and this warms my heart. Here is our first collaboration. Thank you for reading.

©2020 Devon Henry and Tremaine L. Loadholt



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •