
A love letter

A Cornered Gurl
1 min readMar 15, 2021


Healing is like a written love letter.
Confession, romanticism, fieriness.
A passion you never thought you could have.

In my pursuit of wholeness,
I have written a stack of letters
buried under my bed pillow
cruising its river.

Even so, a papercut, when unaided, gets invasive over time.
You’ll realize when you find yourself caught by another whirlpool.

From red to blue, I started to question again.
A message in a bottle that went too far.
Like when life is beautiful, I’m facing the opposite side.

The teardrops dappled on this letter,
it’s talking some sense into me —
Beauty of life, it’s from inside, for our emotions give essence to each letter to be written.

As I continue this love letter,
fear would cross the threshold.
But no matter what, you write.
For what is to fight for?
So come back once you find your track again.
For I have no spare for this life.

Truly yours,




A Cornered Gurl

Like cumulonimbus, I pour out my rains and thunders here.