
am I different from you? from me?

Deb Ewing
A Cornered Gurl
Nov 20, 2020


Seattle Alley, photo by debora Ewing

this cold puts pressure on my cracks
I pull frigid hands up into my sweater
but the ears, they’re on their own

fractured conchoidally
cold words rattle down the canal
maybe slip through the fissures

another me would panic
try frantically to plug up holes
stop meaning from escape

but I apprehend that one; we
have to work as a team now
, I say
my permutations queue

we’re a soup line these days
phrases like old coins pocket-slip
between ladle and line

on the bare hard sidewalk
one of me smiles in passing
one of you looks askance

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Deb Ewing
A Cornered Gurl

I am a U.S. writer, artist, and oracle. I drop my wisdom like a crystal bowl at your feet. See my art at: https://www.americanframe.com/artist/debora-ewing.aspx