Escape from Gloom

The need for release, to be free . . .

Alma Writer
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readAug 26, 2019


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

There are these times when I feel like crying, but there seems to be no reason to do so.

Now, is probably one of those times.

My eyes threaten to start leaking, while my heart seems to be on the verge of tearing apart.

I feel alone, but I am surrounded by hundreds of people, who I could call friends.

My mind wanders far away, travelling to another world; so, I am here, and yet, I am not.

I want to smile, but my lips refuse to rise up, but for a droopy, watery, fake “smile.”

I want to disappear from this world, go to another one, and cry, cry and cry until I have no more tears left.

Wetness stings my eyes, and I rush out of the room, only too aware of the multiple pairs of eyes that seem to follow me out the door.

I find a place to be alone, and allow the dam to burst.

Tears flow, incessantly, and soon, my cheeks are warm with tears, and my eyes and nose are red.

I wipe my face and make my way back, to the world to where I am supposed to be, to who I am.

The smile on my lips is no longer plastered. It is genuine.

I feel better.

I feel lighter.

I feel free.



Alma Writer
A Cornered Gurl

Sensitive Indian teen keen to play a role in God's beautiful yet destructive creation- this big, bad world.