Marcus Dall Col via Unsplash

Everything is Transient

Zaira Abbas
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020


We are mortal beings who wish to be immortal. We fear death and perishing away, knowing all too well that it is inevitable. Life was given to us and it will be taken away. Is that something we should worry about?

What’s wonderful is how egocentric we all are. Our minds are occupied with OUR worries, OUR problems, OUR dreams. Occasionally we think about others too. Either to envy them for doing better than us in life or to pity those who have hardships we would never imagine on ourselves.

But all mortals are blessed with joy and all are tried with misery. The state we choose to dwell on eventually becomes our second nature. What we have has nothing to do with the quality of our life. Rich people are depressed and poor people are grateful.

The material things are not an indicator of our well-being. The immaterial things are. That which cannot be taken away. That which makes our finite lives significant in the infinitude of the universe. Our humility, our experiences, our gratitude, and most importantly our capacity to love.

To appreciate life, we need to plant the seeds of love and water them every day. It’s the little things that need our reverence. Why do we have to wait for grand events to be in awe of?

I love this poem by James Allen:

Are you searching for the happiness that does not fade away?
Are you looking for the joy that lives, and leaves no grievous day?
Are you panting for the waterbrooks of Love, and Life, and Peace?
Then let all dark desires depart, and selfish seeking cease.
Are you ling‘ring in the paths of pain, grief-haunted, stricken sore?
Are you wand‘ring in the ways that wound your weary feet the more?
Are you sighing for the Resting-Place where tears and sorrows cease?
Then sacrifice your selfish heart and find the Heart of Peace.

