Fido v’adoro

Emmylou Wainwright
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2019
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Faithful adoration
to a voice
and a speech,
dressed with sadness,
veiled with secrets,
beclouded with self-mockery.

Hearken to your full name
uttered by my lips,
reluctant to make it short,
nurturing heed
to keep you suspended.

All day crooning
like this,
from dusk till dawn:
an operatic beau
charming his sweetheart.

Yearning body and sighing soul
constant and obdurate:
celibate flesh,
promiscuous mind.



Emmylou Wainwright
A Cornered Gurl

Never thought that I´d end up like this, I who loved the quarks