File My Fractures, Fears, Frustrations, and Failures Under Freedom

Flippin’ yeah for foot’s sake

The Dani Writer
A Cornered Gurl


Photo by Kamay on Pexels

No one heads out to the train for work at 6:25 in the morning wondering if they’re gonna have the worst fracture imaginable.

‘Unsuspecting me’ headed toward a job that did not like me.

The feeling was mutual. (Learn from ‘unsuspecting me.’)

Never broke a bone in my life.

Life inserted a ‘ first broken bone’ bookmark.

The diabolic reality of that moment was encapsulated by levels of agony that I’d gladly retro-blanket with amnesia if I could.

After a hellish wait for the ambulance, the arriving paramedics cut through the sock of a foot facing the wrong way around to find my bone hanging out. They determined that I’d need “HEMS evac” (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services evacuation) due to the high infection risk multiplying by the minute.

Having worked in a Bone Infection Unit as well as in Trauma and Orthopedics gave me freakishly clear trajectory insights. So, for all those anonymous patients who I’ve told, “Trust me, knowing what medical interventions are about to happen since we’re healthcare professionals doesn’t make it any easier — actually makes it worse cuz we KNOW what’s gonna be done,” here’s…



The Dani Writer
A Cornered Gurl

A typical overthinker taking an hour to write a short bio yet pens a phenomenal poem in under 5 mins inside ‘the zone.’ Adjective aficionado. Bibliophile.