For A.

C. Duhnne
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
Oct 23, 2020
Photo by Hernan Pauccara from Pexels

My heart is heavy with an empty grief
Full of words unsaid and things undone
For moments we’ll never have
And chances for those moments eradicated.

The emptiness stretches, prickly pain
Cloying with a grief that’s sickly sweet;
Full of cold winds and warm laughter
Memories and unnamed regrets.

I can’t describe the loneliness that stretches
From the realisation of being left behind
Of knowing that you’ll no longer be
able to just be something, ever again

The knowledge that you are gone gone
is weirdly echoey; a chamber full of nothing.
They say only the greats die young . . .
Maybe I wish you were lesser.

Our time together was short
but the moments were heavy
With well-intentioned smiles
and buoying questions.

You changed my life in ways you probably never ever imagined.
Rest In Peace A.

