Good Morning, Sweet Friend

Rachel B. Baxter
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
1 min readMay 11, 2020

a micropoem

“Nellie” — Photo by Rachel B. Baxter

Her tail raps the sofa,
excited to see me after 8 hours apart,
good morning, sweet friend.

A note about this photo and poem:

I took this photo one morning while walking my dog, Nellie. I’ve been eager to write a poem about it because looking at it just fills my heart with happiness — the sun shining through the trees, Nellie pausing to look up at Mama, those floppy ears! On a separate morning, I came down the stairs and I hear Nellie’s tail beating against the sofa, so excited to see me. I smiled and greeted her, and then the words to this micropoem popped into my mind!

I’ve been so grateful for my pets during this season of shelter-in-place. They bring such a sense of calm and comfort. It’s like they know exactly what we need, instinctively. The love from our pets is truly a love unmatched.



Rachel B. Baxter
A Cornered Gurl

A few good stories, a thousand different versions. My dreams are written in form. Author of Mother Scorpion.