Home Again
“Heart´s Hearth”
Said goodbye, my heart,
one piece to another
in hushed subtle tones,
like the first “I love you”
breathtakingly scary;
choking on uncertainty.
I dried the salty falls,
weak, painful snitches;
wore masks beguiling instead,
saying “I’m good”, “I’m okay”.
But my soul was honest;
cold, empty, scared, tired.
Sweet pings and ringtones,
neon light addiction;
emojis and crazy stickers.
I longed for a kiss still, or
a hug, or just sight, at least;
something soothing, like before.
But home is here, me
journey’s blissful end;
where pieces fuse again.
Sweet boomerang effect,
pumping adrenaline, heart
frantic like a mad hyena.
Your touch is bliss,
your lips taste like ambrosia
seasoned by salty falls
pulling masks off, collapsing walls.
Igniting heart’s hearth; warm,
whole again.
Ngang God'swill N. ©2020
Dedicated to T. Melissa, the beautiful little love bird.