
Young Minds of Medium Inspiration Call

Braden Turner
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readAug 2, 2019


to fall is to
realize life is
a series of failing —
flailing, perhaps, like a
fish dropped on wooden pier;
gasping for air, praying for water,
all called mercy by captor
hellbent on righteous self-belief.

human bends to cradle you,
flex your spines as instinct —
you clash with molded plywood.
thin-ripped gleam of dripping flesh
cannot repay for gouged gills
broken jawbone;
human hisses as hand
comes away crimson,
curses you.
you are ungrateful even in
presence of good-will. they
will reconsider next time
you find yourself hooked.
go: tumble into water,
oxygen uptake now almost inadequate.

this is their filter —
they assume themselves, messiah,
turned victim
in response to self-imposed problem.



Braden Turner
A Cornered Gurl

Gather your fear & move ever onward—there’s always a new story to tell. • Grad Student. English Instructor. Outspoken sci-fi video game nerd.