I Am a Writer

A poem

A Cornered Gurl
1 min readFeb 28, 2020


I am a writer
my words are a part of me.

I write characters that aren’t always me.
Perhaps they could be a part of me, who;
is a girl
is a lover
is a survivor
is a freak
is a friend
and is a fighter.

I write characters that aren’t always me.
Perhaps they could be a part of me, who;
i wish to be
i wish to express
i wish to hide
i wish to suppress
i wish it wasn’t
and i have been.

Every word, every story, is honest,
straight from the heart
based on your story or mine,
the choice of words is mine.

©Shweta, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Find my creative works here on Baking of Words & Muses.



A Cornered Gurl

Exploring my world one day at a time with joy & passion — via words, books, paints & travel. Making sense of what life means to me on this journey