Love Me Freely

ezer agyin
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019
Bird flying from hand

You don't understand, do you?

You're the bird and I — your keeper
Weak and helpless I found you with broken wings, unable to fly
Held onto you carefully not to hurt what you've already broken inside
Made you a home from the comfort of mine
Nursed your wounds, fed you and kept you warm
Love and affection I grew for you, for the stronger you healed the weaker I became, vulnerable to you

You're strong now, dear birdie
And you're no slave of mine
So I'll set you free
Flap your wings and soar again little birdie
Don't cling to my fist, in pity you owe me your strength
I'll starve you, as much as I hate to
I'll shove you, as much as I need you
Just so you'll fly the strength of your wings again
And know what it feels to be free again
After you feel the brush of the calm winds again
And view the priceless beauty of the oceans below
After you've tasted the addiction of soaring above all
And you fly back to the sill of my window
Then I'll know
You're not with me because I found you broken and nursed you
Only then will I know
You're here because this is where you'll rather be
Only then will I understand
You choose me — your home

For the longest, you’ll be gone
I’ll wait by my window whenever the sun sets,
hoping you’ll choose me.

Birdie — by ezer agyin



ezer agyin
A Cornered Gurl

I live under the spell of the third house. Possessed, and cannot be saved.