Freeverse Poem

(Mel)aleuca alternifolia

Her laudable layers

Aspen Blue
A Cornered Gurl


Image by Primrose46 from Pixabay

essential, elemental
passion pasted papered curls
within her leaves we whirled
bark’ed words soothe gaping wounds
alternatives she leaves
scattered, whorled

sentience in sentences
around each reaching branch
synaptic in her practice
ad hominem medicine antiseptic
healing cuts and scrapes
honeyed tones she makes
for teaching peace
reaching me
going home
sucking bee stings from springtime
with mead and barleyed wine
clasping fast to friendships
lost appendices of rhyme

© Aspen Blue 2020

A very happy birthday to our beloved Melinda A Smith, a paragon of healing words!

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Aspen Blue
A Cornered Gurl

Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: | follow @AspienBlue