Missing May May

A free verse for my mother

Willow T. Lovelace
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
Jan 25, 2021


Photo Courtesy of Willow T. Lovelace @ Beauly Priory Graveyard, Inverness-shire, Scottish Highland

If my life is embroiled in a bunch of crap,
And my heart is decorated with a bundle of cracks,
Don’t be sad for me, May May.

If familiar faces fail to stand by me,
And every breath I take is full of tragedies,
Don’t be sad for me, May May.

If my results welcome me with abnormality,
And pill organizers affecting my life quality,
Don’t be sad for me, May May.

If the deep slumber numbs all my senses,
And time to say goodbye to those I love,
Don’t be sad for me, May May.

Believing that I meet you there again,
Trusting that you hold me in your arms again,
May I be your daughter again in heaven, May May?

Dedicated to all the daughters who lost their mother.

(*May May — mother)



Willow T. Lovelace
A Cornered Gurl

Polonius: What do you read, my lord? Hamlet: Words, words, words. (Hamlet 2.2.200–201)