my impatient companion

h.a wadi
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2020

time is like that friend
that does as he pleases.
he doesn’t ask permission nor does he hold back his teases.

he won’t notify you when he goes,
he won’t sit and wait through your lows,
and he will without question contribute to your woes.

time is his own man,
and he will remind you of it.
he’ll hold consistent in his truth,
he won’t accept ruth,
a constant you must learn to covet.

he’s arrogant enough to believe the world revolves around him,
and observant enough to know not everyone will treasure him.

yet he remains.
sure of his place,
cognizant of his space,
aware of his pace.

and though his reminders come as taunts,
he never asked you to fear him.
he’d rather you live freely,
with just enough mind to hear him.

H.A Wadi 2020.



h.a wadi
A Cornered Gurl

Through love, there is light. Scientist/Writer/LocalActivist