My Letter is still Unread . . .

AK (Aaska Aejaz)
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2020


My Dear,

I feel empty whenever I search for your existence
The pieces of a broken heart are crushing me
like little grains of sand
The grains, which I can’t hold in my fist for a sec
And they fall into my eyes
in the shape of worthless salty drops
I know you, I vision your dreams daily
I can recognize your beautiful eyes,
The eyes of you light up my nights
But the way of your cold sights
freeze my heart like winter winds
are coming to the window
And I feel hardened to move my hands
for closing the last window of hope
The hope in your absence is remaining in me
But I find myself just subsisting,
Like empty and vanished
You are not here . . .
not with me,
Just the letters I write
are with me,
waiting for you to read
the desire of my heart
I expect the return of passion
like I have for you.

. . . With all the Love,

© 2020, All rights reserved!



A huge thank you to the wonderful lady! Tre L. Loadholt ❤

If you liked my piece and want to read more, here’s a link to another of my A Cornered Gurl’s pieces!



AK (Aaska Aejaz)
A Cornered Gurl

Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!