Nature’s thunderous orchestra!

a free verse poem on the impending rain

Somsubhra Banerjee
A Cornered Gurl


A roaring crescendo of drums started beating within my heavy heart,
the eyebrows of the dark cloud winked at me,
the leaves of the trees quivered in happiness,
the soil anxiously awaiting the first kiss,
of the impending guest,
a dreamy reunion,
after a long, long time,
after a long, long time.

thereupon came the incessant raindrops,
stunning tipper-tapper sounds of the downpour with rumbling squeals,
Twigs and twine oscillate, madly,
as my eyes, bewildered, kept soaking in,
nature’s thunderous orchestra!

Thank you so much, Tre, for all the help and for sheltering a lot of my poems, here at ACG!



Somsubhra Banerjee
A Cornered Gurl

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.