New Life, New Pandemic, and Good Old Me.

Young Minds of Medium My Home

A Cornered Gurl
2 min readAug 21, 2020


“New Life, New Pandemic, and Good old me”

Doesn’t the title sound dramatic?
Well, “Dramatic” is how our lives have become under the spell of this pandemic; all of us now the new cast of this bad reality show called “Man VS Home.” Well, my contract with this show’s producers is done. After presenting a special edition by surviving a 14-day-term in a posh prison, I’m free — relatively at least.

Coming from India, Singapore truly is a sight for sore eyes. Coming from the India where COVID-19 cases and deaths are increasing with only people losing their fear of the pandemic and wandering freely, Singapore is a country too good to be true. Here, the cases have been controlled very well and no soul can be seen without a mask. Through just a single flight, the number of cases reduced from a four-digit to a two-digit number.

I know that I am one of the lucky ones who was actually able to fly from India to Singapore, but I can’t help feeling a bit unsettled. I never was one amongst my family members who bore any regret about shifting to Singapore, but not like this. I was supposed to meet all my friends and folks and wish them goodbye . . . Couldn't. I just miss them so much.

The neighbourhood here is overwhelming. Everything is so large, and sometimes I just feel smaller by comparison. My life in India was in no means simple, but here it’s . . . different. Every one remains aloof to each other, stimulating no conversation instead are too busy looking into their phones. Students do things not because they really want to, but because it looks good on a sheet of paper they need to give college.

Maybe, it is only me who is looking at this country through a different lens and different expectations.

Hopefully, things will get better. How bad can it be?



A Cornered Gurl

student who hopes to share wittily humorous poems, anecdotes, and ideas about navigating adulthood