No Fear For The Day

A song and a virtual hug for my friends and family on Medium

Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2020


Every song I’ve ever written has been a gift. In a time when we could all use extra support, our gifts, regardless of their form, are meant to be shared. Take this song (download link in title) and if you find comfort here, please pass it along. May the power that surely lies beyond us encircle you with limitless hope, strength, love, and peace. Consider yourself hugged. Sandy

No fear for the time
when our sun
is vacant from the sky
no fear for the day
when the button’s pushed
that will annihilate
because you’re here with me tonight
and all I’ve wished for in this moment
can’t be more than I have now…

No fear for the day
when I forget your name
or even forget your face
not fear for the night
when my breath becomes
stilled by fate and time
because you’re here with me tonight
and all I’ve wished for in this moment
can’t be more than I have now

Tomorrow may be
the grandest hope I hold
tomorrow may be
the boldest lie we’ve told

No fear for the day
when our bones
turn to ash and blow away
no fear for the night
when your touch
won’t hold back the tears I cry
cause I’m here with you tonight
and all I’ve wished for
in this moment can’t be more
than I have now…

No fear the day
no fear for the night
no fear for the times
because you’re here
because I’m here
because we’re here right now…

©Sandy Knight, 2020 — All rights reserved. *download the song

Sandy Knight is a poet, photographer, musician, writer, and author of the upcoming book of poetry, Collect Yourself.

Knight is a veteran of the US Navy and The National Park Service, and holds a BS in Music Therapy from Maryville University, St Louis. When she’s not traveling with her spouse, she resides in Northwest Arkansas where her neighbors might see her out on the front porch doing anything from roasting organic coffee beans to playing the banjo.

