One Year Later, I Must Move On

I love this space, and it will always have my heart, but I have to let some things go.

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
4 min readSep 29, 2023


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I don’t want to be that editor who shuts down their publication without sending a proper goodbye and explanation… So, here we are.

And here is not where I want to be, but here is where I have to be.

Some of you may know, that I was promoted at work this past March, and with that promotion, came assignments and responsibilities that eat up my time, and sometimes my sanity.

As much as I would love to continue to don a superhero cape and keep the midnight oil burning for A Cornered Gurl, ultimately, I cannot.

I can no longer work full-time, take care of a senior dog, coordinate event planning details for our company Engagement Team, and breathe without feeling like I will pass out.

It is a lot! Recognizing this and knowing the depth of what it takes to accurately review, edit, schedule, publish, and interact with various writers is a surefire epiphany.

One year later, I am at an impasse, but I know my path — I am of sound mind and body, and I say to all of you, it is time.

You Have Given Me Love, So I Give Love To You

I love this space and it will always have my heart, but I have to let some things go. Checking my list of duties and commitments, I have to select things that will break my heart to see them reach their end, but will eventually benefit me in the long run.

Thank you for trusting me with your words. Thank you for trusting me with your heart. Thank you for allowing me to welcome you into this safe space one more time.

I want you to know I have given this so much thought and consideration — devoted days, weeks, and many hours to this decision. It is not a pretty thing to witness oneself fight their own shadow about their dreams.

I am not acting in haste. It is a practice of mine to only draw a conclusion regarding major life changes when I have sat with the idea of those changes for a long time.

I am at peace with this. My mind is at ease.

You Work Will Have A Forever Home

If you have granted me the opportunity to publish your work, it will remain here forever unless you choose to remove it and publish it to your profile or send it to another publication you believe suits the content.

As I did once before, I will leave ACG up for future readers to peruse the words shared here and the interactions, too.

Should you choose to let them stay here, this is their forever home. And I welcome their planted presence as I did upon publishing them.

Will I Still Be Around On Medium

I am toying with the idea of also jumping ship regarding Medium as a whole. I have not yet come to a conclusion on this subject.

I do know I do not have the time to publish my own work nearly as much as I used to.

I also do not have the time to read the work of other writers as much as I used to or would like to.

Medium is ingrained in my heart, but it does not make me emotional anymore at the thought of calling it quits here.

I have devoted nearly ten years to this platform. I have been here for the many changes that occurred in the past, and I do not know if I have it in me to continue on for the many changes to come.

The jury is still deliberating on that.

Please Keep In Touch

If you want to, and your bones tell you to pursue this task, you can keep in touch with me, should you notice I have gone quiet on Medium.

I will keep ACG’s Instagram page, but make some changes so that it reflects more of who I am as a person and not an editor. You may keep up with me there.

I will always have my website, which includes my blog and other points of contact there. It is also dubbed A Cornered Gurl.

This Is, “See You Around, Not Goodbye”

I would say, “Goodbye and God Bless,” but this is not goodbye. This is simply, “See You Around.” It just will not be here in A Cornered Gurl.

At the publishing of this letter, submissions will be closed.

Please know you are and will forever be thought of, admired, respected, and uplifted.

I wish you well. It has been my pleasure.

Peace and blessings.



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •