Pain is the Breaking

A sijo series

BJ Dawson
A Cornered Gurl


Photo by Muhammad-taha Ibrahim

Discounting our Classical Mechanics

surely you can find your path
without giving our bond the slip

though I know not how these things
tend to swerve when we grip too tight

one by one my digits loosen,
confident in Newton’s laws

A Spiteful Husk

finding you discards my husk
bereft with rage left in the cage

you thought I’d ignore your
metamorphosis with one last kiss

what remains spits into fate’s eye
as ugly as we both knew

Bartering With Nothing From Nothing

perhaps this was always how
my inaction would split our core

holding fast to our past life
was bound to leave me bargaining

with an end preordained by
my hoping for a hopeless cause

Jagged Boulders for Dreams

It’s fitting; I always knew you
deserved more than what I am;



BJ Dawson
A Cornered Gurl

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP