Remember Who You Are, Love.

Sometimes, We Must Encourage Our Friends.

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readNov 12, 2018


who is he to drain goodness

from your core, sip
you ’til you’re dry, and
cause you to shame love?

baby, let me remind you
that the ocean is your
mind, the sun is your heartbeat,
and the universe is your soul.

he was a blip in time,

you are destined to be transported
to a new realm.
his chapter is done.

let him burn where he stands
for trying to put out

your fire.

For Jessica

©Tremaine L. Loadholt, 2018. All Rights Reserved



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •