
Young Minds of Medium Music Call

Braden Turner
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readFeb 21, 2020


“Melodrama” Album Cover Art from Vogue

there’s a straggling feeling,
a struggle born of time and thought,
as if, keen on being aligned, one
chases after the other. i think
they are the moon and sun.
caught in a cycle of mutual desire
for togetherness, barred by distance. i
wonder if this is what it means
to be alive.

it is there, making itself known.
a lived moment, forgotten —
the thought of you
and me, a hindsight recollection:
imbued on the before, lost in moments
becoming something new. i never did
appreciate the when or what, the act
of happening. but, the Now bubbles up
in my throat, a gasp for something.
not air. No,

it is an atmosphere of ache.
i want them back, the minds we had
before the future molded them in her hands.
i see it there —
a part of us,
an aspect of the bittersweet,
the unknowing we must do to survive.

it is hard to let this go. we laugh
together as i sit in hell with you, as if
there are not years of hurt curdling
between us. it is never enough,
the remembering.
i want to hold
the past in my hands, desperate — to
look it between the eyes, even if it burns.

the Now, fleetingly present,
centers itself
just out of reach.

But that will never be enough.

Inspiration from Ribs by Lorde. Thank you for reading! ❤



Braden Turner
A Cornered Gurl

Gather your fear & move ever onward—there’s always a new story to tell. • Grad Student. English Instructor. Outspoken sci-fi video game nerd.