— a poem of potpourris.


“When a semicolon joins two or more ideas in one sentence, those ideas are then given equal rank.”

Lita Tiara
A Cornered Gurl


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Your name’s written all over my tongue; surfing the riptides
Thoughts of you cavort; leaving marks on the mind
Time rolled disheveled to little glimpses; composure is what we seek
Heaps of feelings left unsaid; going
there and back again
Questions remain unanswered; the what-ifs subjugates
Not sure of what’s right; not sure if I want to be
Weeping days are ahead; joy feels far-flung
Euphoria’s too far to reach; beyond the flickering lights of the night
Delusional is what I am;
nothing more and nothing less.

