
A Poem

Lisa Marie Simmons
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readJan 8, 2023


A large stage at night lit up with coloured lights, a bass player in the back ground, Black cis female center stage , microphone in hand, young saxophone player to her right.
Photo Credit for the Author and NoteSpeak Band — Teamwork Arts

New Year’s Eve out on the lawn
I’m dancing ‘round
I got my sparkler drawn
writing names in the night
Setting everything alight

got my sparkler drawn

Early morning grey-lit dawn
barefoot with my nightgown on
I got my sparkler drawn

Goin’ to the grocery store
Smilin’ at everybody for
I got my sparkler drawn

Fizzin’ up, I’m spreading it
Pouring from my fingertips
cuz I know this world is lit

With every step, every meet
I wouldn’t feel complete
without my sparkler drawn

Dressed up, Step into the van
Nothin that feels better than
my sparkler drawn

Looking past the footlight’s glow
sharing everything I know
got my sparkler drawn

Show’s over I get a drink
See that smile you transmit
right there then I see you wink

You got your sparkler drawn
while you’re dancin’ on

We got our sparklers drawn

Droppin’ off to sleep, I yawn
in my dreams, I carry on
I got my sparkler drawn

Gonna keep on throwing light
deep into the heart of night

with my sparkler drawn



Lisa Marie Simmons
A Cornered Gurl

A multi-disciplinary storyteller: singer-songwriter, published poet, & essayist. Dissecting myself to try & understand you.