
A Moment of Silence for the Departed

Sylvester Amponsah
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readJan 22, 2019


When death calls,
The living must answer,
This time auntie Mercy answered.

The philosophers say death smiles at us all,
And all we can do is smile back.
My auntie always had a smile on her face,
Even when she wasn’t smiling her demeanor was more pleasant than perfume.

Who knows what lies beyond this void called life,
Is it heaven or hell,
God or Satan,
Or just another empty void?

Could God console the soreness in my heart,
Does the Almighty concern Himself with His handiwork?
If He does, He will surely know who my auntie was.

I have heard of the storm’s rage,
Felt the palpitations of the meanest earthquakes,
Even seen the eruptions of violent volcanoes.

And I dare say nothing compares to the terror and despair before me,
My circle of loved ones shrinks by the year,
How long before I must also answer the ultimate call?

Yet when death calls,
All the living must pay heed.

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I have a feeling that you might enjoy this other poem of mine if you enjoyed this one. This poem is currently my favorite piece of work. Let me know if you think so as well.



Sylvester Amponsah
A Cornered Gurl

I am not a role model. I dare not play a role for anyone. I am a real model — flawed and fallible.