Thank You for Being There

Ode Poem

A Cornered Gurl


Photo by Michael Tuszynski on Unsplash

Introduction to my home:

I grew up on Caswell, the street where your parents grew up with your friends’ parents. The street where everybody watched everybody grow up. We even had block parties every fourth of July until Covid hit. My grandmother was raised on the same street in the same house as me with her sisters. Her father built that house from the ground up for his wife and daughters.

I remember as a child, my grandmother telling me about how granddaddy used to raise chickens in the backyard and have fish in our pond in the front yard. Soon everything came to an end when he passed. We still have our avocado tree in the front yard and a lemon tree in the back. The grass isn’t as green or pretty as it used to be either, but I do miss it. Every so often when it rains it does try to revive though. Even though our home isn’t exactly the same, it’s still a home and it’s our home — my home.

Thank you for standing tall,
No matter the weather or harsh conditions — no matter the fall.
Once painted green and white,
You’ve turned my gloomy skies to bright.
Beautiful inside and out with your extra space,
Never having to worry about our things getting misplaced.
Most homes aren’t like you.
Your small porch makes it easy to sit and relax,
Eating ice cream and listening to jams with the
volume all the way to the max…



A Cornered Gurl

I write poetry, short stories, reviews, etc. Instagram: @thesentimentallpoett