The cloud’s teardrops

a free verse poem on the crying cloud

Somsubhra Banerjee
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readMay 15, 2020


is it only your heart that cries?
is it only your eyes that shed a tear?
no, no, nature cries too.
the cloud’s heart shatters,
kissing your skin as rain,
all its pain, all its tribulations,
coagulated in those pearly drops.

drench in cloud’s tear,
let yourself loose,
sing and dance,
be insane,
until and unless,
the cloud stops its cry.
and when you see a silver lining,
a rainbow in the sky,
you’d know the cover of sadness,
has passed on,
and you have forgotten the reason,
you cried.

Thank you, Tre, for sheltering a lot of poems, here!



Somsubhra Banerjee
A Cornered Gurl

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)