The Dance

A Collaborative Effort With Noha Medhat|*Marvin Gaye’s After The Dance — Music Theme*

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl


Courtesy of Google Images/Dancing Art

Back and forth, this dance
Of us
Propels our past,
Engaging stuttering tongues
Meant for mumbling
Fools —
Noble as we are
In step, upbeat souls
With down rhythms,
Coping with the
Changing of time
Mystified by scratched records,

A tune of lust
Loans its arms
For a struggling
To defy deathly deeds
While we shimmy
And shake, the Earth
Shatters before our eyes,
Incapable of redesign.
New age demolition
Bulldozes a fretting heart
And obliterates opportunity
For learning
New moves.

In the blink
Of an eye
This dance becomes
Our undoing.

What’s next?

I wake in the wake
Of destruction,
Your arms around me
In clusters
Of skin and bone.
The music has gone deaf,
My feet stone-hard cold.
The air is full of it,
It bears down on me,
It presses against my tongue
And from my lips to yours.
Nothingness, my darling —
It has, overnight, been
Embedded in the fabric
Of our souls.

In your arms I could have flown
To eternities blissfully sweet
And liberatingly bold.
But our freedom was buckled in chains,
Sinking deeper down below.
Elevation was our aspiration,
But our elevation was evaporation
Of mind, body and soul.
Your lustfully gorging eyes gave me life
Tainted with blistering scars
And sinful strides.
But darling, haven’t you learned?
Our symphony breeds nothing but

Will follow

Wherever we go.

Tell me,
Is this dance still
Worth it?
Has your heart healed of me?
Are you willing to take
Another chance?

I am not.

Noha and I first collaborated on November 17, 2016 and since then, I have had the opportunity to watch this exceptional young mind of Medium shoot fire from her veins into the atmosphere. Noha is great with prompts and musically charged writing, she shakes not at a challenge. It is a beautiful thing to witness. I am always in awe of her. Jon E. H. Burton, hello, sir. YES! Please get ready!



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •