Caison Michael Montgomery, one year later. To say how blessed I am and how the joy in my life has increased because of this young one would take pounds upon pounds of paper. He is an absolute wonder. As always, I thank my cousin Akua for allowing me to be free with my expressions of him and share his photo.

The Day He Turned One

My Heart Grew Two Sizes Bigger|An Audio Poem


I know your fingers
I know your toes
Your smile
Your giggle
That one selfish dimple that
makes an appearance at the
oddest times
Your wails
Your cries
Your protests against things
unsatisfactory to your agenda

Your gurgles
Your voice
I know your kickstand crawl
And your busybody walk
One year ago, I held you close
Breathed in your scent
And silently prayed over you
You beat your way into this world
Determined to show up and shine

It lives on the tip of your tongue
In every bone of your growing body
And in your curly locks of hair
Every day is a testimony
To undying strength
To how God is working his way
In me
Through you

You are one now
And you walk towards me
When I enter a room
A half-smile planted on your eager face
And all I want to do is
Give you every inch of love
Living in my heart
I know your belly
I know your hands
I know your feet

In all this getting to know you
I have learned more of myself

Who knows what year two will bring
Maybe you do

Right at about the moment I said, “gurgle” during the recording of this poem, I was beginning to cry. Quickly, I had to suck that up. If I did not, there was no way I was going to be able to get through multiple recordings of this one. Thank you to each of you willing to come along on this journey with us. One year later and he’s still a muse.

For more of Caison, you can go here:

©Tremaine L. Loadholt, 2018. All Rights Reserved



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •