A Mermaid by John William Waterhouse

The Difference

A Collaborative Effort With Sam Kimberle

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019


she shot up from the water
hair — mystery of a wet world
dangling on her shoulders.
I stood behind a rock,
voyeur in itchy skin,
moved by a muse.
a piece of art bubbled before my eyes.
I was without a canvas,
how could I capture her?

the ocean wrapped its arms
around her waist.
her tongue, a pattern of
lost pasts swirling away galaxies.
I fell to my knees
my heart raced and my hands shook.

I witnessed the difference between
madness and sanctification
in the beat of this creature’s heart.
the rest of our story —
locked behind her eyes,
a pair of gems,
without a price.

Called to the waves
I am inconsolable
Resolute upon inspection
Yearning with lips parted
Who was I fooling?

I too am not free from this world
wet and mysterious
It may be —

But her eyes
Melt away my solitude
I find solace
In knowing
Her heart will travel
in my heart
Captured in my mind’s eye
For all of my days.

©2019 Tremaine L. Loadholt and Sam Kimberle. All Rights Reserved

*Sam is such a versatile writer. I was happy to see an email from her requesting to be added as a contributor to A Cornered Gurl. She is popping up all over Medium with the many gifts she has and that is beautiful to see. I thank her kindly for collaborating with me.

A few of her pieces published in ACG:

Thank you for reading.



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com