The Herniated Mind

Poetic Verses

Kensu Fetsani
A Cornered Gurl
Jul 16, 2023


Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

The herniated mind.
A tense embodiment of flesh or apparently so.
Projecting consciousness in a contracted flow.
A best friend when tamed, yet arch enemy in the wild.
One who clings on too near debilitates in fear.
For although in plain sight eludes optic-rods at night.
Only stillness and silence project surgical light.
So observe patiently through one’s all-seeing-eye.
Under scrutiny, it shrinks and falls back into line.
Peeling off like a scab and leaving behind.
A transformed devotee and wise old sage.
Sprouting up like a lotus from stinking manure.
Mental intrusion matured to a lustre of pearl.
Hypocritically noted all over the world.

Inscribed . . . by the herniated mind.

Thank You.

Kensu Fetsani.



Kensu Fetsani
A Cornered Gurl

Writing about the human journey — as it is — including thrills, but no veils. For truth is authority. Authority is not the truth.