The Ladder of Feminism

Lisa Marie Simmons
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
Jan 22, 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Everyone should be a feminist
Why would you not be
All it means is that there’s equality
But sisters consider Intersectional Feminism
Don’t stop at the obvious
Dig deeper within

There ought not be rungs
needing climbing
With the privileged on top
telling us how it’s done
With the brown and the gay
and the trans and the poor
tryin’ just to get a foot in the door

Light fists on a glass ceiling
struggling to punch free

Light feet on necks revealing
Victim or oppressor, what’s it gonna be

Own each our power

Let’s take up space
without forgetting
we didn’t start in the same place

Together we are stronger
Unity is key
Why make the climb longer
than it need be



Lisa Marie Simmons
A Cornered Gurl

A multi-disciplinary storyteller: singer-songwriter, published poet, & essayist. Dissecting myself to try & understand you.