The Making of A Government Manifesto — Erasure Piece

Young Minds of Medium Inspiration Call

Zuva Seven
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readJul 15, 2019


Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels

Immigrants are “stealing your jobs” but really it’s machines

A homeless man asks me for change, the world is contactless now

Education is free when it protects and promotes government agenda

Does the voice of oppressors get silenced or do they learn how to whisper and

pass secret notes?

men are taught to hate feminists when we want to help them too. Nothing changes

Obesity is a money-making industry,

that’s why salads ain’t cheap

They’re crippling our NHS to privatisation

This is how it’s meant to be

Trump is to cause divide

And illustrate your rights still don’t matter

People are gunned down for being people

Children are shot then and called victims

It is very easy to look at the world and just see the negative. But when you look again you can find and create hope.

ZUVA is an award-winning Leeds based spoken word artist, poet and freelance writer.She is the editor of An Injustice! A new publication geared towards minority millennial voices of all kinds.

More examples of her work;

© ZUVA 2019.

All rights reserved.



Zuva Seven
A Cornered Gurl

EiC of An Injustice! | Occasional journalist | Aspiring graduate | Future screenwriter | Always open to commissions so let’s work together→