The Reply

A double etheree

A Cornered Gurl


Photo by VENUS MAJOR on Unsplash

It’s me.
I emailed
and sent a text
a few months ago.
But you didn’t respond.
So, I tried again last week.
And you did respond, in a way…
A very brief reply, with a tone —
as if I were a telemarketer.
The calendar shows a year and two months
since this great silence of ours began.
I guess… I hoped… for a someday
a moment when we could speak,
angry words put aside.
When you’d remember
the time before

An etheree poem contains 10 lines where the syllable count follows the line number. The first line has a single syllable, and each line adds one syllable until the tenth line. A double or stacked etheree counts back down from a 10 to 1 syllable count.

