— a poem of potpourris

The Soothing Everlys.

Please come back.

Lita Tiara
A Cornered Gurl


Little susie and her daddy
walked many years hand in hand.
Interchanging solace, spreading warmth
one Everly tune at a time.

The interludes of their six strings
replaced each tremble with only bliss.
The fuss brought by mornings
dissipate alongside rain and its forces.

Dream, dream, dream” away indeed.
In the willow garden will I dream
my days away, nights as well.
as long as it’s with you, there I’d remain.

Times changed, senses too.
Resting, you’re now with someone new.
Each tune drove no longer
while I can only relive, nothing further.

Times changed, devotions too.
For this alone, dawn seemed weary.
The Everly remains, among evanesce.
Please, please, please.

End these sleepless nights for me.

