The Wave in My Head

A sensation filled with love and gratitude

Kerstin Krause
A Cornered Gurl


Photo by Ron Whitaker on Unsplash

Roaring and mighty, she rushes in. Like a furious dance of many angry beasts. Yet on her crest, as if for adornment, a continuous row of joyfully jigging whitecaps.

Claims her ground with nothing to rise next to her. Asserts sovereignty, even if only for an agonizing instant. Terrifies with all her force.

Frozen in motion, I taste doom on my blood-bit lips deep inside my wounded soul. Eyes wide open in horror as she draws nearer. With an enraged howl, about to wipe out all traces of life and thoughts as if they never existed.

As tall as many buildings, highrises that could skim the velvety sky. With a strength that strangles my quickening breath. This is it. Must be — a final beat with no escape and no tomorrow.

Yet unexpectedly, in a split second, I reminisce about withstanding her, about rising above and beyond.


And there, she begins to tilt — at her most flaky point. Tumbles. Has surpassed herself, wriggled, hoofed, and now disappears. No longer able to uphold her insane height. Fueled to grow and shatter ultimately. Never gets to rise this way again.

But the wave will return with more. In a new garb. With fresh narratives and lies to keep alive. Without…



Kerstin Krause
A Cornered Gurl

Seasoned traveler | Passionate writer | Bold motorbike rider | Find out more: or support women @