An audio flash fiction piece

Their Hungry Hearts Were Fed in Full

Flash Fiction

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2023


A brown/chocolate puppy with bright eyes being held by its owner: Photo by Joseph Biscocho on Unsplash
Photo by Joseph Biscocho on Unsplash

He lay in the middle of the road, shivering from the intense cold. Darius slows the car down to a stroll. Serena opens the door — tightens the feel of her winter coat around her, and rushes to scoop up the precious thing into her arms.

It is a cold, late autumn night. She and Darius had just left a charity event thrown by her company — a non-profit organization built on the premise of revitalizing their city and finding homes for stray dogs and cats. What were the chances they would land upon a chocolate Cocker Spaniel/Labrador mix in the middle of the road on their drive back home?

She looks into its eyes and rolls it over onto its back, staring past its belly to check its gender — male. She whispers to the drenched ball of fur, “Fate. I think we’ll call you, ‘Fate.’”

She runs toward their car, pulls the door open, and quickly slides onto the heated seat. Darius is thumping his ashy thumbs on the steering wheel. He stares at her intently and says…



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •