Just Ignore Them

They Are Only Words

So why do you care


Photo by Some Tale via Unsplash

Edward Bulwer-Lytton
the renowned English playwright
reported to have been the originator
of those famous words

“The pen is mightier than the sword”

and from then until this very day
many naysayers have had
so very much to say

They are only words!

they’ll inject
most often a sentiment arriving
immediately following their unsavory
words spoken in some contemptuous manner

Once spoken
the speaker will then insist
that the recipient
should of course be of a higher
be much thicker skinned
never having sunken below
that of the speaker’s
just by simply accepting that …

They are only words!

No less dangerous than a gun in the hands
of a hardened criminal
are the words
from the lips of an expert orator
or worse
the words spoken carelessly by
its ignorant creator

They are only words!

A phrase most often used
by the cruelest of tongue
by the recklessly ignorant
or its purposeful speaker

Words are used skillfully by the preacher
on behalf of an endless array of Gods
when convincing the parishioner
to pick up
the less dangerous gun

Convincing the righteous to do
unto others the unspeakable
only to excuse their actions with
it was only a pun

They are only words!

Words used to separate
the blue from the sea
Words that move the Hebrew
from the Pharisee

Words that awaken dragons
from their slumber
making one neighbor hate another
over a postal code number

They are only words!

Words are used to bury the truth
while delivering the lie
upon which we’ve
become to rely

Words are never only words
not when the speaker feels
compelled when explaining

it’s not as if I’ve cast a

Just ask the multitude of souls
lost between the preachers
from heavens
and those from hell
The multitudes
lost between the blood
shed now lips sealed
no one left to tell

“The pen is mightier than the sword”

and yet none more powerful than
a single purposeful




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
A Cornered Gurl

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous