Image by Jose Pita — Toulouse


Jose Pita
A Cornered Gurl


Sunlight finds its way through,
as it did yesterday and the day before then.
Stubborn eyelids resist the day ahead,
they eventually give up the fight and slowly push open.
Warm light washes away a dream desperate to remain my reality.
A hazy view of my world begins to form.
Senses awaken and push confusion under thick covers.

A memory ignites my will,
time unravels under clouded thoughts.
Things to do.

This is no ordinary place, this is tomorrow!
This is the promised better day.
A time never once before visited.
This is the day to own,
This day we will explore until our feet burn.

This will be our day
This is our today.



Jose Pita
A Cornered Gurl

Fingers bouncing furiously across impatient keys with the hope that someday someone might read these tales and think on the writers wishes