Music selection: Xzibit — What U See Is What U Get

Truth About Me

A prose poem with haibun elements

BJ Dawson
A Cornered Gurl
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2023


Photo by Jacky Chiu on Unsplash

Look, I don’t know what grand exaggerations or outright lies you’ve heard about me from family, friends, or lovers, but let me make one thing crystal clear; I absolutely would hurt a fly.

It is critical that you know this truth about me. Don’t believe anyone who would tell you otherwise.

I would hurt them. I have hurt them. I will hurt them again.

That is, assuming they can feel pain in that blink of time when I render their twee bodies asunder via catastrophic blunt-force trauma. Perhaps they feel nothing from the instant, but certain death I bring upon them. I hope that’s true. But even if somehow I’ve managed to never hurt a fly, I sure as shit have harmed more than my fair share.

In fact, not to brag or anything, but I have single-handedly obliterated countless flies on numerous occasions. I’m a goddamned fly’s worst nightmare; a fly assassin, if you will.

Do I feel horrible, nay unshakable anguish over each tiny little buzzing life I’ve taken? Absolutely. Do I pray for each of my victims’ immortal souls? You betcha. But make no mistake; I am the one who sent those annoying critters off to the next realm.



BJ Dawson
A Cornered Gurl

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP