Trying to Catch Dust in a Windstorm

Pandemic Haibun Challenge

Jennifer Patino
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readNov 4, 2022


Photo by DerTobiSturmjagd vix Pixabay

After a year, I shelved the panic. Exposure, infection, recovery. I climbed each step without a clue as to how. Survival is like that. It’s automatic. Time passes and you suddenly gain the awareness that you’re still here. I found myself transformed into a rock and many were leaning on me. So many that I felt my entire being eroding into dust. I surrendered myself to the winds of change, was carried away until the essence of me glittered over everything. In pieces, I learned the tenderness of making myself whole again. I dared to open my eyes to this new world and despite the clouds of hopelessness, I saw the warm sun shining through.

shattered familiar
accept the uncertainty
grow with the lessons

