
how will we explain now to future generations?

Deb Ewing
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readJun 1, 2020


eye with image of frightened person inside it
Anxiety, art by debora Ewing

Something insidious came for our elders
Our children, our weak
Theories postulated on the source
We were advised to all stay inside
don’t make contact — you never know
Who might be infected yet seem
Perfectly normal

We found rather quickly
That help was not coming
Fights broke out over resources
Who was allowed what and when
Supplies and promises taken back
We learned to do for ourselves

We made masks from old clothes
Left sanitation on stoops of our families
Gathered around troubadours by internet
Loved from a distance

Then the protests came — people with guns
Walked on the capitol in defense of freedom
Then a black man died of a blue knee to the neck

We found rather quickly
That help was not coming
Riots broke out over resources
Rights and promises walked back

Something insidious came for our families
For a long time now — we’ve seen the source
We’re advised to stay quiet, look away
Don’t make contact — you never know
Who might be infected yet seem
Perfectly normal

We learn to do for ourselves



Deb Ewing
A Cornered Gurl

I am a U.S. writer, artist, and oracle. I drop my wisdom like a crystal bowl at your feet. See my art at: