12 social and search features for Google Search, Youtube, Facebook and Github Gist

Ivan Djordjevic
User Experience Observations
1 min readJun 16, 2015

Some of these may already be on their road maps, some might be easy to implement/integrate and others might not, and there are just outrageous ones and wishful thinking. All of them should be nice to have.

Google Search && Youtube

  • Search Results of the posts from the people in our circles.
  • Search Results based on the links from our history. Images. etc.
  • Youtube Search Results filtered by the people in our circles, s subscription list.


  • Search Results filtered by our friends, friend groups.
  • Aggregation of the most shared link among our friends. Most commented, liked photo. Video. Global trends are nice and super cool, but we are interested to see what are friends like the most.
  • Activity feed for each post type (photos, links, likes, etc), filtered by our friends or a group of friends.
  • Activity feed of all the events our friends are participating?
  • Activity feed of a particular friend integrated into their timeline, instead of the feed of all friends in one place.
  • Activity feed of the most active item among my friends.
    5 of your friends are commenting on this link, photo, etc. Live. Now.

Github Gist

  • Search results categorized into: yours, people you follow, everyone else.
  • Search results filtered by usage: most visited, latest added, last updated.
  • RSS / JSON feed for all mentioned above.

Update: Gist has a stand alone article.

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