Silent Lucidity and A Course in Miracles

“The dream is over… or has it just begun?”


Original source.

As you might know from some of my other posts, I hear “A Course in Miracles” messages everywhere (check out “Lady Gaga’s Judas and ACIM”). I recently made my husband a CD and was listening to the playlist in the car. One of my old favorites, Silent Lucidity, by Queensryche came on, and it brought about an experience of love for me as I was struck by what I was hearing. I was REALLY moved when I thought of the song being sung to meBY Spirit Itself, as many of the lyrics pertain fabulously to A Course in Miracles.

“the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there reference to his waking up.” — ACIM (FIP T-2.I.3)

According to the Course, we’re dreaming right now. And we “travel but in dreams, while safe at home” (FIP T-13.VII.17). As we accept the undoing of fear in our minds, and release our faulty perceptions to Spirit, we gently and slowly learn that our reality is much greater than the physical world that we see. We learn this not through our intellect, but through EXPERIENCES that come as we continue to turn to the Holy Spirit rather than the ego.

Check out the first verse in Silent Lucidity by Queensryche:

Hush now, don’t you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You’re lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream spinning
in your head
Your mind tricked you to feel the pain
Of someone close to you
leaving the game of life
So here it is, another chance
Wide awake you face the day
Your dream is over…

…or has it just begun?

Our sleeping and our waking dreams, “have different forms, and that is all” (FIP T-18.II.5). And we’re tucked snugly and safely in Truth, while we are simply having a dream spinning in our mind (which is the ego’s “tiny mad idea” of separation from our Source).

As we come to learn that we are dreaming, we experience a rest that is more satisfying than any panacea that we could possibly find in the world. “Rest comes from waking, not from sleeping.” — ACIM (FIP T-8.IX.3)

“Awareness of dreaming is the real function of God’s teachers.” — ACIM (FIP Manual for Teachers Section 12, Para. 6)

It is our job, as Teachers of Love, to learn how to dwell in silent lucidity. We need not preach or proselytize the messages of the Course, we simply need to accept the undoing of fear in our own minds (the Atonement), and happily experience moments of lucid dreaming in our waking dreams. This helps and heals, not only ourselves, but others as well.

We are safe. We are whole. We are at home. Listen to Spirit sing these words to you:

I- will be watching over you
I- am gonna help you see it through
I- will protect you in the night
I- am smiling next to you, in Silent Lucidity.

(Help me) [here is the moment we turn to Spirit rather than the ego]

If you open your mind for me
You won’t rely on open eyes to see
The walls you built within
Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin

- Silent Lucidity by Queensryche

Listen to the entire song here.



Corinne Zupko, Tips on Undoing Anxiety with ACIM
A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles helped me overcome a debilitating anxiety disorder. Mindfulness teacher | Professor | Grab my FREE meditation at: