A-Culturated’s April Writing Prompt

Call for writers and submissions!

Maria Garcia
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

April is here!

And from where I am sitting, so is the rain. Spring is laughing at me as my toes freeze in my slippers.

Still, let us not be discouraged, there is a good story in everything…

March’s Writing Prompt

For the month of March, writers were challenged to talk about new beginnings, which if you are nomadic or intercultural in any way, you know all about.

Check all the entries out here if you didn’t get the chance to.

April’s Writing Prompt

Inspired by the vapid rain, for the month of April, we are talking about misunderstandings.

But not just any misunderstandings… we’re talking about cultural misunderstandings. The funny kind.

In honor of April Fool’s Day, let’s get crafty and think about all of those cultural misunderstandings gone hilariously wrong. You can write about a personal experience, or even go full satire mode with this.

This month’s challenge invites you to share those awkward moments that make great stories at parties.

